Does irritation in mood happen even when one is quitting smoking very gradually?


My boyfriend has been working on quitting smoking for the past approximately 6 weeks. He hasn't smoked a cigarette in basically that long, and has instead been smoking e-cigarettes, with interchangeable nicotine cartridges. He went through a pack of cartridges that had a "medium" amount of nicotine, finished that, and recently switched to a pack with "low" nicotine. His basically constant irritation began before he started the low pack of cartridges. I don't know a thing about this, but this is


basically the only thing I feel like would account for his change in mood, but I don't know if that makes sense if his quitting has been gradual.

What do you think? Thanks in advance!

Captain Obvious2014-09-04T11:21:59Z

Yep. Part of the nicotine withdrawals.