Is it OK if me and my twin sister still kiss each other on the lip ?

hi i'm a 14 yrs old girl

me and my twin sister are growing up as a kisser family, we kiss each other on the lip since a very young age, i dunno exactly when but there's a photo of it when we were baby

now we are 14, and we still kiss, mostly when we finish our breakfast in the morning, my mom always asks us to kiss before we go to school, in the night before we go to sleep, we kiss again and it becomes a habbit. sometimes we only had a quick smooch n sometimes we had a long passionate kiss, depends on our mood

well.. is it ok if we still do it at this age?? is it still appropriate? should we stop or no?

cause now i feel no longer comfortable with it, it feels gross now but i dont want to tell my sister about this coz i'm afraid she will think that i dont love her anymore (i really love her so much, we rarely fight)

what should i do ??


Favorite Answer

it's very weird so I think it's time for you all to stop now. You are sisters and passionate kissing is for your husband, not your sister. Anyway, can you message me? I wanted to ask you a question :)


Nothing wrong with a quick peck on the lips but passionate kiss is weird. If you're uncomfortable doing this anymore then you can just hug each other instead.


Nothing wrong with a quick peck on the lips but passionate kiss is weird. If you're uncomfortable doing this anymore then you can just hug each other instead.


Some families, epsecially those from older Europena familes are big on family closeness and allow kisisng on the lips in the family and it's really a respectful thing to do.

Blue Sky2014-09-21T07:53:52Z

You're three different ages in the last three questions you asked. I am curious why you have to do things like this in the first place? Don't you understand that people take you for your word? Shame on you.

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