I've heard that The tap water is now safe to drink ? I that true? KI?

Miss YumYums2014-09-23T22:54:25Z

Depends on where you are.

Some cities have problems with contamination from fracking or earthquakes or chemical/toxic spills.

If there ever is a danger, the city will alert people to not drink the water (in some cases, not touch it, but wash and brush teeth and drink bottled water.)

Unless otherwise specified, though, tap water is safe in the US.

abraham c2014-09-23T23:18:55Z

the united states add chemicals to the water to make it safe for us to drink. if the state or town where you live has some kind of water problem such as Toledo when they had undrinkable water because of algae your state/town would inform you to don't drink it until they say it is safe to drink.

Jeff F2014-09-24T00:51:36Z

I was referring to tap water in Thailand?


As far as I know in the US it has a always been safe


depends on the are you're living in.