Does anyone know why Yahoo Answers keeps changing the site without even supplying a page to explain what they changed?


Favorite Answer

They don't want to listen to any protests.


I don't think even Yahoo fully knows! But it seems that their management have ideas about the site, while perhaps not thinking of you and I and all of the other users and how to make our site experience as good as possible, but rather how they can save money and generate revenue at the same time.

So they save money by not hiring people to write the useful help pages you ask about (and I agree it'd be great if they would explain things better, while we do get some explanations they are generally insufficient), and then they generate advertising income by making it so we have to do more clicks to navigate about the site, and then when we don't know the ins and outs of the latest site changes, it takes even more clicks to figure things out, making even more money.

Son of T32014-09-29T23:08:56Z

Always check the Team Blog found under the About tab at the bottom of the left side menu. The staff have also been answering questions here and on the Suggestion Board today. They don't do it often and always late, but they eventually get to things.


You better stop pretending to act like you know ****,, before I report your *** for being a fraud.
You don't know **** about the Notary Public conduct, so that's why you never got a commission in the first place. Look at the comments, if this is how you act in real life, tough luck trying to find an employer and a girlfriend.


Actually I have seen several answers in this section that have been from official Yahoo! Answers Team members. They even provided a link about the changes and here is a copy of it to help explain some of the changes.

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