Why does YA hide some answers even though they have no down-thumbs?

I sometimes find that answers are hidden for no apparent reason. This seems to be happening on the Religion and Spirituality section.

I thought it was due to a large number of thumb-downs, but this is apparently not the case.

I wonder what's going on, and why when I try to ask this in religion and spirituality, the button appears active, but does not accept my click on it, no response at all.


I found that some answers were hidden that seem not to have any reason for that, and I got email for answers that simply are nowhere to be found. Bizarre.


Favorite Answer

Yahoo answers have some kind of checking system to find whether an answer is relevant or not. And it gets hidden if it is irrelevant or non-answer. for example, answers like "i dont know" or just a 1-2 word answer might appear irrelevant


A mysterious criteria that only makes sense to them and to someone on a glue huffing bender

james o2014-10-28T07:24:48Z

If you permit email, your address is not public, but you are able to send and receive email.

I have no idea how to respond to your query when you do not accept email.