Why doesn't the U.S. stop all flights going to or comming from west Africa?

There's an ebola pandemic that nobody seems to be taking seriously and it quite scary that nobody seems to care that outbreaks are happening here in the states as long as it's not their neighborhood until your kid catches it at school cause somebody thought it was a good idea to go to Africa and come back with one of the most dangerous viruses in the world and not tell anybody until it's to late to do anything.


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Because that would be the logical thing to do.


Here's a better question.

Why doesn't the US release the stockpile of the ebola virus cure, ZMapp, and allow West African victims of the disease to receive it free of charge? It's cured all but one person that has received it so far, what's the justification for not rolling it out?

Four Legs Good2014-10-02T20:20:16Z

Because anyone travelling from Africa would be displaying symptoms by the time the flight got to USA and dealt with without a problem, its not contagious until the symptoms are showing and the USA have the doctors to deal with it


It force people coming from Africa to catch a connecting flight and increase the possibility of the disease spreading elsewhere.


I might be seen as being racist even though Africa has always been a hotbed for fatal contagious diseases but it's not politically correct to say such things

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