The real, much greater problem is when people worship a demi-god. God is not a man. And has not changed and will never change. Malachi 3:6 and 3:22, which happen in the future. (don't tell me that we have peace on earth yet).
Is Jesus prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures?
Free your mind for a moment, holy brothers and sisters. Think for a moment. You didn't grow up christian. Are your parents liars? Are really so dumb? Are all the Jewish people dumb? Are they so evil? Is it Satan? How come God says in Genesis that man can rule over Satan?
And why would God want the Children of Israel blinded?
Please consider the words of Tovia Singer, a man who has dedicated his life to rescuing Jews (all Jews are holy) from the church.
Your ministers are ordained Southern Baptist ministers.
An religious organisation that has honesty doesn't have to trick people by pretending and leaving out other things.
If I as a Jew were to don the clothes of a catholic priest and would go to people and say to them: Do you know what catholics REALLY believe, would that not be disinigenuous?
Come back holy brothers and sister. Contact Tovia Singer at
If you are not convinced: Why are the messianic communities concerned about rabbinic laws like Kiddush and things like women making a Kiddush, but not be concerned about the Torah laws, which they declare to be irrelevant?
Malachi, the last of the prophets, declares about the end of days, a time which we have clearly not reached (as there is no world peace): "Remember the Torah of Moses, My servant, which I commanded him at Horeb for all of Israel - its decrees and its statutes"
Why is Paul saying "the curse of the Law" when the Psalms say otherwise, that the Torah is a DELIGHT! - Psalm 119
Come home precious children of the most high
Jesus Made Me Kosher, He Is The Rock Of Israel
1) To answer you question... no - there is nothing that forbids it.
2) According to the Jewish Tanach (Bible) Messiah would be…
• Born in Bethlehem..... The Jewish prophet said so in Micah 5:2
• Reach many in Galilee..... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 9:1
• Born a descendant of David..... The Jewish prophet said so in 2 Samuel 7:12-13
• Be a Leader like Moses.......... The Jewish prophet said so in Deuteronomy 18:18
• Enter Jerusalem on a donkey..... The Jewish prophet said so in Zechariah 9:9
• Arrive after King David died..... The Jewish prophet said so in 2 Samuel 7:12-13
• A rejected man....... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 53:3
• Die as a substitute for others..... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 53:5
• Be pierced..................... The Jewish prophet said so in Zechariah 12:10
• Rise from the dead...... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 53:10
• Have followers from all nations...... The Jewish prophet said so in Daniel 7:14
And even MORE important..............
• Messiah was to arrive BEFORE The Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E..... See -> Daniel 9:26
• Messiah was to have an impact on all nations..... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 49:6
• Messiah was to ‘sprinkle’ many Nations..... The Jewish prophet said so in Isaiah 52.13 and used in Hebrew in Leviticus (Lev. 16.14) of the sprinkling of the blood of atonement.
And this is just the start…..
The list goes on and on,
There is not a shadow of doubt - Yeshua (Jesus in Hebrew) was/is the Messiah of Israel.