Do you think some democrats have learned a lesson?


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Privately, yes. Publically? Not a chance!!!


Learned a lesson. Now what does that mean. We know now what we always did about you people. Did you learn anything when the people of the world voted for Obama?

Captain Obvious, Defender of Snack Pudding2014-11-06T12:05:17Z

The same lesson the Republicans learned in 2008, doubling down is the way to go.

Wage Slave2014-11-06T11:16:43Z

This is rather vague. A lesson about ... ? Republicans took the Senate and some surprise governorships, but that's it. Why are Republicans pounding their chests about it? Only 37% of the electorate even showed up.

scott b2014-11-06T11:14:16Z

A "lesson" because the Congress changed over in the mid-term election of a two-term President like it has for EVERY Resident since Reagan??

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