How to build a high voltage (40-60 Kw) power supply that outputs negative polarity?
Hello, I'm 15 and very interested in physics. I'm building a safe nuclear fusion reactor. (I know how to safely handle high voltage and radiation) I have a question about the power supply. First off, fusion takes around 40 Kilo-volts and it needs to have a negative polarity. I'm on a budget and cant spend hundreds of dollars on a high voltage negative polarity power supply. The only cheap power supplies I found find had no specification on polarity. So, I decided that if I could not find one, I might as well solder a circuit together to make my own. I would also like to add that I am never under any circumstances plugging it into the wall. I may use a battery or cap. bank. Also, if there are any power supplies under $75 at the most that are like this, please direct me where to get one. This is for science purposes, not to cause any kind of harm or anything like that. Lastly, I would like to know if there is just an IC that reverses polarity, and if I could just use that and a boost converter.
Just wanted to add that I will have an adult with me and I will be using protective equipment. I understand that 40,000 volts DC can instantly kill me and am taking full precaution.