What is happening!?!?
(Please read whole thing) I really like a guy right now (Guy A, a friend). But now my mind is tripping me. Okay so last year I liked my best guy friend (Guy B). He stood me up twice on my attempts to go out with him. After that I was over him (this happened over summer), then when school got back up according all his friends and a bunch of girls at school, he liked me now. But of course I no longer liked him and moved on to the next guy. He soon got over me. Last night I had a dream about him though. He was being really sweet and romantic and we were lying in the grass have a deep conversation. I had butterflys in my stomach when I woke up. Then I remembered I'm supposed to be over him and flipped out, now I'm scared I could start to like him again (we're still friends). Okay and now there's another guy (Guy C). We keep having these romantic encounters, to the point where I've even got to sit in his lap once. (he is also a good friend). We had a really sweet and personal conversation on Friday and we're just getting close and intimate. I'm flipping out. I know I like Guy A, but I'm dreaming about Guy B, and only really getting somewhere with Guy C. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm really confused. Guy A might also like me, and Guy C might too. I'm pretty sure Guy B is over me. Am I being a ***** and leading them on? Or am I just really stupid and confusing myself? I know I can only date one.
Also, what could this dream mean?