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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

What happens when the rapture happens?

What happens when the rapture happens? Tell me if you know

14 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    At the end of the Great Tribulation, Jesus will return and will take all who follow Him to heaven. Then God's wrath will be poured out on the unbelievers who remain. Check out the first link below.

  • 1 decade ago

    The rapture WILL happen one day... read Revelation in your Bible. When the rapture happens all of the people who have accepted Jesus into their lives, will rise up in the sky and join him in Heaven.And the unsaved people will be left here on Earth...things will be good for a little while, and then there will be torture and beasts will roam the earth. I just want to tell you that I DO NOT WANT TO BE HERE ON EARTH DURING THAT TIME. It will be absolutely HORRIBLE. If you want to know more go read the Bible.. and maybe some of the other people should too.

    Source(s): THE BIBLE
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Depends what religion you ask or which subdivision. Some will say that animals are not like humans there fore they don't go to heaven. Know if you look at the Jehova witnesses panphlet that they so eagerly hand out you will see that a lot of times they have animals like lions and other possibly dangerous beast playing along side children. Who then has the right answer? To me although an amusing question it is a waste of time because there will be no rapture. Many people have waited and waited and waited. Yet, no rapture. Every one dies period. Everybody expect special treatment but, how can God give special treatment. Thats favoritism. The whole rapture thing makes little sense. The idea is that before the end of times all those good Christians will be spared the worst. Then the devil will rule the world for X amount of time then there will be one final war where Jesus will destroy the devil. Thats the end. Good story but it simply does not makes sense. For one it asumes that everybody is a christian. All other religion does not matter. Meaning million of Muslims, hindus, budhist and what not simply don't count in the story. Those are billions of people that are just ignore. Does that means that they will have to join the devil's army by default? No choice on the matter? Everybody that does not believes in Jesus (including the Jews) will automatically have to be on evils side. What about a third army? Can't there be a third army for all of those that do not belive in the Jesus vs the devil story? The other thing is the assumption of things being completely black or white. Even the Germans where not bad. Well, there where a handfull that where pure evil but, a lot of Germans where just fooled into following Hitler. It wasn't until Hitler was defeated that they say Wait a minute? We where wrong!!! Then there where those that supported their government but went about their lives doing what they always do. So, how evil are those two groups? How evil can you be if you truly believe that your actions are good and that the other guy shooting at you is the evil one. It simply isn't so black and white. It simply can't be that no chinese will go to heaven even though they have the biggest population. Well, not completely true now a day because there are some christian chinese but still. Proportionally speaking heaven would be full of westeners and very few if any easteners. Not very God like is it. Another thing that does not makes sense to me is that knowing how the story ends why would the devil with his amazing wisdom play along. Yes, I said amazing wisdom because the devil is extremely smart. It takes witts and smarts to rule such a big empire especially an evil one. So, if the devil knows that he will be kill, by whom and he even knows where it will be then why would he just follow along with it. The thing about the devil is that he defy God and thus was cast away from heaven along with other angels. If he has spent thousands of years trying to undo Gods work why will he just cooperate in the end. Is like if I told you, "hey you, I want you to take all your money from the bank and bring it toa very secluded area by yourself. There I will rape you and then kill you. After that I'll go spend all of your money in vegas. What do you say?" No one in their right mind would play along with that. Any reasonable person would just call the police if somebody told them such a horroble thing. Same with the devil. If the Devil did took over, then he would not have one final battle in one specific place just so that he can be killed. Yet, another reason to doubt the rapture or at least the armagedon is the interpretation that scholars give it. They say that the devil was really Nero and that the battle of armagedon was rally the opressed people wanting to get rid of the oppressing Roman empire. These are very smart people that have studied religion in great depth yet, we prefer to believe some simpleton who read a few pages of the bible and all of a sudden decided he understood all of Gods secrets. In the end worry not about your pet. Animals are very smart. They are made to survive. Your Dog will have a greater chance of survival in a bad situation than you because they have the right tools to make it. They will adapt better to weather and many situations and can live eating very little bad food. As long as the dog doesn't get run over or eaten for food it will be fine. Maybe not as happy as it was with your family but it will live and survive using its survival instinc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The event you speak of is detailed in I Thessalonians chapter 4. This happening is nowhere in the Bible referred to as the "rapture". This passage of Scripture says that in the end, a sound as a trumpet or long and loud blast of noise along with the activity of the Archangel will be heard by all living people. Next comes an incredible "sweeping up" as if by a tremendous rushing wind. These who are swept up are "the saved" caught up to meet the Lord in the air. The writer says that they shall ever be with the Lord; no separation from Him for those who are saved. However, this passages says that before all this happens, those who have been saved by Jesus but have died, will be first to meet the Lord in the air. The writer goes on to say, however, that just because the saved who are dead meet the Lord first in the air, they have no advantage over those saved who are "caught up" in the air by the tremendous wind.

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  • 7 years ago

    It says in the Bible that Jesus will lift his church all those who praise him and worship will go to heaven the rapture will happen but no one knows when it will. The rapture is very scary people who disappear is the people who stayed faithful with him. There will be car crashes planes its basically like 2012 but worst but everyone knows itself if he/she is good or not

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Get a bible and read the whole book of Revelations. It's the last book in the Bible, in the New Testament section.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The rapture will not happen. It is un-biblical.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    all the Christians are gathered up to a sea of glass where they watch armageddon happening beneath them

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there is no rapure, It was invented 200 years ago. Just Believe in Christ and live a good life. God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nothing It's totally fabricated.

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