So why did ISIS just behead many Egyptians in Libya heard on news?!?


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Apparently they were Christian Egyptians. Infidels in their eyes. So the ruthless murderers killed them.


Isis members are Muslim extremists who strictly follow the shira law that is part of Islam. Religion has led to conflict in Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq. Because the British or Americans have prisoners of Isis and they have prisoners of ours they've decided to attempt to show they're serious by beheading innocent lives. It's extremely upsetting but unfortunately it's the way of the world.


ISIS cut off their heads because they are Christians. ISIS eventually has to cut the heads off of all male Christians. The Christian women can be sold as slaves so they do not need their heads cut off. The children are raised to be good Muslims and ISIS members.


Wait. I thought Obama and Iran assured us ISIS was on its last leg.


Egyptians are the blacks of the Middle East and ISIS are like the white supremacists

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