If the Oklahoma University students had spit on/burned the American flag instead of making a racist video, would they have been expelled?

Do, or do not, Americans have the right of free speech?
Liberals have one set of rules for themselves, and another set of rules for everyone else.


Burning the American flag is a right to free speech. This was settled in the Texas v Johnson court case. He would have had to obtain a permit for the burning, but yes, he could. Schools are VERY strict on racism and bullying. I recently read this thing where a girl was bullied by some dudes and the father discovered who those dudes were. He contacted the principles and colleges they were headed to. Needless to say the majority of those dudes were suspended from school, had scholarships taken away, and admittance to college revoked. Schools don't mess around with that kind of stuff.


The Oklahoma frat had free speech and they voiced it.
No government pressed charges against them.
No arrests were made.
But 'free speech' does not mean that the words you voice are without any consequences.
The university took offense to the frats actions and they were well within their right to expel them.


If they were videotaped spitting on or burning a Flag, they would have been expelled and you know it. Free can't always mean "Free", otherwise, our society would remain uncivilized. Find something more important to be concerned about.


They would not have been expelled for that, it is true. On the other hand they would be expelled for encouraging people to chant about murdering bureaucrats. That would be a bit over the line as was chanting about lynching black people.


You're just a racist white supremacist who would have agreed with them if they'd murdered a black person for nothing other than them being a black person so you shut your evil f*cking scum cave maggot @ss up. Get the f*ck out of here with that false free speech bullsh*t you're pretending to believe in. White supremacists, you disgust me.

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