Does the Westboro Baptist Church exploits a divided America under partisan lines?
The Westboro Baptist Church a gay hating fetish cult has exploited a very divvied country of the USA. let's take a look how WBC exploits a very divided nation and how they used divide and conquered starting with the hardline bases of the GOP and Democrats. Even the hardline bases would make alliances with WBC. For example The Hardline base of the GOP will ally with WBC due to it's equal rights for the LGBTs. As for the hardline base of the Democrats, they ally with WBC due to it's domestic Anti-Americanism to hating America's Military. WBC has made in roads with Occupy Wall St, the environmentalist groups and made alliances with Vladimir Putin, The Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Even Brack Obama is very friendly to WBC. Today WBC is allies with the hardline bases of GOP and Democrats who are dividing this great nation of ours while the two parties are no longer loyal Americans and this nation needs a new Third Party that is Pro-American!