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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Westboro Baptist Church. Omygoodness...?

What are your thoughts about Westboro Baptist Church? It seriously makes me so mad to watch them. As an American and a Christian myself, I am completely embarrassed by their behavior. It actually makes me very upset. What do you think? If you haven't seen or heard about them, here is a link to youtube & wikipedia: (an interview with a family from the church)

I don't like their own website name so-sorry I'm not going to type it out. You can probably figure it out through wikipedia though.

So what are your thoughts? Please give intelligent, well thought out answers. Answers from people showing integrity. Trust me, I know how hard that is - but you really can't fight hate with hate.

30 Answers

  • Liz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a Christian I am horribly offended by people who claim to be Christians but are not.People like this are the devils tools,he uses them to turn people against us,to make us look insane.True followers of CHRIST follow his command to love thy neighbor as thyself.We love the sinner and hate the sin.We do not want anyone to go to hell.I personally feel sick hearing them sing those words.I also feel profound pity for anyone who is so full of lies.They honestly believe they are on the way to heaven.We all need to pray sincerely for these people,that they will come to CHRIST and be saved before it is too late.

    Source(s): Follower of CHRIST
  • 1 decade ago

    The Westboro Baptists church is one of the main reasons so many people dislike Christianity. They pick and choose what parts of the Bible are to be believed. They really anger me as well. I am not a Christian at all though, I am a mixture of Paganism, spiritual satanism, buddhism and shintoism. I have read and studied the bible myself, since I love to discuss and learn about religion and the westboro church has a more accurate description of god than most christians. God does punish and god does hate. It says so in the bible. They got that part right, but the bible also says it is not for man to judge others and to love thy neighbor. Therefore the westboro church is just like most christians, hypocrites. They are just mean hypocrites. No offense to christians intended through this answer. i respect your beliefs, just wish more people had more knowledge of what the bible says.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very disturbing. I am wondering how a person could love a God that is like what they say. I should think it would have to be all fear. It would be more like: you darn well better SAY you love him. But the respect would have to be more like a slave has for the master with a whip in his hand.

    I felt sorry for the daughter sitting to the right of the mother. I don't know, but I thought she looked like she was quite uncomfortable with it all. It would have to be torture to have doubts but still have that threat of damnation over your head. I think they all are to be pitied.

    The little girl shows that it is all in how they are taught. It has to make you think that a little rebellion in the youth can be a good thing. It may be how most of us, (not those people but most of us,) got out of the middle ages and ended the inquisition and witch burning.

  • Doc
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    This cult thrives on the anger that it inspires. It certainly isn't anything I recognize as Christianity. They aren't interested in attracting followers; rather, their goal is attracting attention through their outrages. Fortunately, I think most people who have ever heard of Westboro know this cult for what it is, and do not consider it to speak for the Christian community.

    They are best countered by laughter and ridicule, in my opinion. Do not meet their hate and rage with rage of your own.

    BTW, isn't it amusing that God hates the same people that Phelps does?

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  • 1 decade ago

    I watched all 3 parts. Then watched them on Tyra and a few more. I am in shock.

    I hadn't heard about this Phelps family before today. The only thing I can say is how sorry I feel for each and every one of them.

    Peace to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well in a way it is the logical extension of a religion "gone mad", which has happened to fundamentalist Christianity in America.

    If you step back, there is really no difference between the attitude of these people and Muslim extremists except that the Muslim extremists want to "hurry it along'.

    These people in Westboro are completely blind to the message of Jesus.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are deranged and morally bankrupt excuses for human beings, the ones that still kowtow to Fred Phelps, at least. Some of his family has forsworn him, and rightfully so.

    When I first ran across Westboro I didn't think it was serious - they are almost like a real-life sockpuppet troll being used to make religion look bad. But, as amazing as it is, they really are that horrendously loopy. I've seen interviews with them that are just chilling....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They're bigots, and hating LGBT people is their shtick. I don't think they're as dangerous as other anti-gay groups (they're more attention hounds than anything) but they're definitely hateful.

    The groups that pose a real danger to LGBT rights and safety include:

    Focus on the Family

    Americans for Truth

    Family Research Institute (officially designated anti-gay hate group)

    Traditional Values Coalition (officially designated anti-gay hate group)

    Watchmen on the Walls (officially designated anti-gay hate group)

  • 1 decade ago

    Eyes rolling,rolling, rolling. Hee Haw!

    Yep, Baptist are quick to judge. That is the reason I left.

    "You are going to burn in Hell!"

    I went to different religions, prayed and I'm so grateful that

    Jehovah heard me.

    LOVE of Neighbor is important people CAN change.

    Yes, even homosexuals can change,but if they don't

    Jehovah knows the heart, we don't.

    LOVE for Neighbor.... Please read.....

    Do you Seriously know "What Really Is Hell?"

  • Eds
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    The best thing that we can do to assist them in finding that they are really far from GOD'S WORD is to ignore their actions. They are truly a hate group and they only react when they are given coverage or media attention. They have been getting lots of this and it has allowed them to gain financial support. Please do not encourage the likes of them any more then you have to.

    Thank You,



    Source(s): LOVE I F E . . .
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