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  • Can tmj cause tooth pain?

    Had three dental visits,mouth open for an hour each time,jaws hurt from tmj and now my far rear molar hurts when I bite down,doesnt hurt at any other time and I wonder if this could be tmj related.Anyone else?

    2 AnswersDental7 years ago
  • Christian help? Divorce and remarriage?

    I have a difficult question. My best friend (a Christian woman) is getting divorced.Her husband didn't commit adultery,but was never there for her,wouldnt work,never supported her and she was miserable. Now she is afraid that if she finds someone who loves her and who she loves that she will go to hell for remarrying. I have been divorced as well and the question haunts me too. Can anyone give me some words of comfort? Would GOD really send us to hell for remarrying? Christian answers only please

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Stray kitten seems sick?

    My neighbor gave my son a kitten.Apparantly it was in her yard and her dog was trying to harm it,people throw animals out around here all the time and my best guess is someone waited till the kitten was weaned and then dumped it. I have had cats my whole life,and usually know what to do but this little one seems a bit sickly.He was starved and covered in fleas when he came,I bathed him and gave him food..mostly dry,but my hubby gave the kitten wet food. I wormed the kitten and and gave it its first distemper vaccine.Now the kitten has very loose stools and watery eyes. I thought the change in food and worm medicine may have caused the loose stools,but what about the eyes? I thought it might be from it being outside in the cooler air then coming into a warm dry house,but I am not sure.I can't afford a trip to the vet right now unless it is an emergency.Any tips on the loose stool and watery eyes? also can the wormer and distemper vaccine cause any side effects?

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Son is being discharged from Army before basic is finished?

    My son just called and told me the Army is discharging him before he finishes basic.He had a mild case of scoliosis before he joined,the Army knew this,and they accepted him anyway.Now they are saying that if he continues it could cause damage to his back and they are medically discharging him.My question is what happens now? Will he get any kind of help from them? This was his dream.He is 18,no health insurance(he was on a state plan that we allowed to lapse because he joined) Has anyone went thru this?

    5 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Question about cats grooming themselves?

    Ok,let me start by saying I have had cats since I was a little girl.I love them.However my husbands cat is doing something that is getting on my last nerve and I don't know if anyone else has ever dealt with this.She is an older cat,around 13,healthy according to the last vet visit.But I swear she grooms herself 24 hours a day!! Every time I look at her she is licking herself(usually her butt).I have looked it up,and I can tell you she is not nervous,or constipated.She is obsessed with licking.I am wondering if anyone else has a cat that does this?

    2 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Sony Flatscreen tv problems?

    Today I plugged an hdmi cable from my xbox to our flatscreen so my kids could play a game,while they were playing halfway up the screen these wavy lines showed up.The lines blur almost half of the screen.SO I unplugged the cable,but the blurry lines remain.I checked all the connections but they still didn't go away.HAs anyone had this problem and if so did it clear up or did you have to get rid of the tv?

    1 AnswerTVs8 years ago
  • Kitchen light problem?

    We moved into our house last April,it was built in the 50's or 60's. We have not had a lot of problems so far but today I switched on the garbage disposal and when I did the overhead flourescant light in the kitchen went out.I tried the switch and it will not come back on,went to the basement and changed the fuse marked Kitchen,and it still won't come back on.Any thoughts?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • two periods in a month?

    I am 36,almost 37.I had my period 15 days ago,now I am starting again. I have been working out a lot more,at least 4-5 days per week sometimes for over and hour and I have changed my calorie intake,lowering it by around 300 cals per day-went from 1670 to 1340 daily.I am trying to get healthy and have been working hard.My question is is this normal?or should I be calling the dr? Thanks

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Working out?A few questions?

    Ok,so I made the decision to really get serious about fitness and started really working out about a month ago. I have an elliptical machine for cardio and have been using hand weights and calistenics for strength.I can do around 70 squats same amount of crunches.I have been building up to this amount.I have a few questions.#1 is it normal to lose inches but not weight?I started in a size 16 jeans and now can wear a pair of 12's that I hadn't been able to wear in several years.All of my clothes fit better but the scale is steady,no loss.#2 -I keep hearing conflicting opinions on daily workouts? Is it safe to workout daily? SHould I do cardio on the elliptical one day then strength the next?#3 when can I expect to start seeing loss on the scale? Thanks

    Diet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Question about having a tooth pulled?

    Ok,on Monday I had a severe nerve like pain in my mouth while eating,got to the dentist on Wednesday.He tells me it is a wisdom tooth that had came in,had decay in it and had an exposed nerve.I asked him to pull it and he did.I got a sheet with some care instructions,which said soft foods but it did not say for how long.I keep reading people saying that you need to wait a week-but these people had to have "surgery" (wisdom teeth cut out) this one was already thru,and he just pulled it.I tried to call the office today and ask about regular food but the office was closed,I left a message.I have been eating mainly yogurt,ice cream,no sodas.Yesterday I ate about a cup and a half of dirty rice,it was very soft,and I chewed on the opposite side from the tooth site.When can I eat normal food like hamburger,chicken,bread,etc.?Thanks

    1 AnswerDental9 years ago
  • Best skin care for your 30's?

    Which products are best for the first signs of sging and some dark spots caused by the sun?Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Can you use a dial timer to turn a tv on and off while away?

    Can you use one of those dial timers(like you use for lamps) to turn a tv on and off while on vacation?Is it safe?

    4 AnswersOther - Electronics9 years ago
  • Leaving dogs in a outdoor kennel?

    Ok,I have two dogs.They are normally inside except for when I let them out to play (which is several times a day) We are planning a week long vacation coming up .I had lined up a house sitter to stay here but they have backed out on me.Now I can only get someone to come by daily to feed and water the dogs and check on my property.I have a chain link kennel,it will have a roof and they will have a dog house.Someone will be coming to feed and water them daily.It is not ideal but I don't have any more options.Has anyone here left their dogs like this for a week?I love my dogs,but I also want to be able to take this much awaited trip with my family.The place we are staying does not allow pets and I cannot afford kenneling at a vet.Do you think they will be safe?

    2 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • Serious depression after moving?

    My husband and I wanted to move for years and finally we became able to do so.We moved to a brick house a few weeks ago.I love the house and yard,and wanted this for so long but now I am depressed.I lived at my other property fo rover 30 years.Not to mention the fact that a few days after we moved in the new place we were verbally attacked by two teen boys who threatened us,then someone vandalized my vehicle.I keep telling myself it will get better,but it seems like I wake up sick every morning.Just a deep sick feeling in my stomach.I catch myself crying through the day and hiding so my kids won't see.The kids seem happy,and have settled in fine.I feel so alone and sad.I want to be happy but feel sick on the inside.Has anyone else felt this way after moving and how long did it take you to start being happy?

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Ever feel like everything you touch goes wrong?

    I am a Christian and try so hard to hold on to my faith and keep my head high.We moved two weeks ago to a home we had prayed about,felt GOD sent us here-that it was a blessing.Since moving our elderly dog died,our cat got sick,neighbor teen cursed at us threatened us and someone busted my truck window.Now I can hardly sleep.Today we are getting an alarm system and it seems like they want more money everytime I turn around.I tried to order a home phone and messed up my order and now I can't get in touch with them to fix it.I feel like crying,sometimes I feel abandoned even though I know I am not.Has any other Christians felt this way? Please help me,remind me of verses to get me through this.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Help cat is sick,vet doesn't open till 9?

    I posted last night but got no helpful answers.We just moved and now my older cat is sick.Just a weelk ago my oldest dog died.She had gotten in the basement and eaten a whole tray of rat poison.I didn't know until too late. Now my cat is sick,and my husband thinks it is something on the property -he wants to move,I can't handle the stress.The cat didn't get into the poison-I threw it all away after the dog incident.I have three other animals and none of them are sick,they have been outside and inside and show none of the same symptoms of the cat.She is sleepy a lot,not eating hardly anything and having a bit of loose stools,or not going at all.She is old,and used to have seizures but hasn't had one in a long time(at least not in my presence) can someone please reassure me that our new home isn't killing my cat

    1 AnswerCats9 years ago
  • Stitches or not?Cut on finger?

    Ok,I am a mom-I usually can handle everything ,but I am super stressed right now so help me out please. My 17 year old son cut his finger yesterday while using a knife.I washed the wound,cleaned it and bandaged it with gauze and tape.The cut was bleeding pretty bad,but once we got it wrapped it did not seep.The cut is about half and inch long,maybe a little smaller.I could not see bone.It was sort of like a flap,but not as bad.I cleaned it again this morning and the bleeding had stopped,in fact it had dried to the bandage.So I cleaned it gently ,put an antiseptic on there and re wrapped it.I personally don't think stitches are required but would like some other opinions.I have been blessed that my kids have never needed stitches before,so I am not sure if this would need them.Thanks

    7 AnswersFirst Aid9 years ago
  • Crazy neighbors? Help?

    I just moved a week and a half ago.My husband and I had saved and were finally able to get a brick home in what seemed like good neighborhood.all has been well until last night when we heard two gunshots then two males yelling.we went to our porch and saw two teen males in the driveway across from us.They were cussing,yelling,and when they saw us yelled and asked did we want a beer?.We said nothing and listened,concerned that they had a weapon.They continued to yell at us,cussing.I called the sherriffs office.The first time the cops jsut stopped and asked them a question then drove away.At this point the boys start screaming at me that they will set my house on fire.Husband calls police again.Cops come back out and talk to us.Then talk to the boys.Cops come back and say they were not drunk and they admitted to yelling but denied the threat.I asked what I could do and they said file a report.I did. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions for how to deal with this. I refuse to be bullied by these punks.Thanks

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • Will steam cleaning help?

    We just bought an older home.It has carpet,and some of it(hall,dining room,living room) has obvious pet stains and an odor.There are hardwoods below the carpets,but I don't have the time or money to work with those right now.I called and scheduled for Stanley Steemer to come out this week,but wonder if it will do any good since the stains are old? I don't expect the carpet s to be perfect,but hope that teh smell and some of the dirt will be taken care of.Has anyone had there carpets cleaned by Stanley Steemer?Did it help?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • TMJ pain when I laugh?

    I think I have TMJ.I have been under a huge amount of stress and was clenching my teeth really bad a t night.I have been working on not doing this,and my teeth are not hurting as bad,but now I have a strange shooting pain in my upper jaw,above my fifth and sixth teeth on the top right when I laugh? Could this be the TMJ as well? I have the other symptoms of TMJ,the cracking noises,pain when I chew gum(so I stopped) grinding at night,tinnitus.But this pain when I laugh freaks me out.Has anyone else had this?

    2 AnswersDental9 years ago