Why do people praise Guardians of the Galaxy but criticize the Transformers movies?

I mean, the Transformers movies and Guardians of the Galaxy were meant to be dumb, sci-fi, action movies that were made to sell tickets and be entertaining. I see no difference between them in terms of quality (storytelling or visual effects). But people say the Transformers movies are bad and I've heard some people say Guardians of the Galaxy is better than the original Star Wars movies.

By the way, I can understand why someone might say "Guardians of the Galaxy is better than the original Star Wars movies" to mean "I enjoyed Guardians of the Galaxy more than the original Star Wars movies " but I can't understand how someone can say say it to mean "Guardians of the Galaxy is superior in quality to the original Star Wars movies."


Favorite Answer

I'm my and most everyone else's opinion, Guardians is much better than Transformers. Guardians of the Galaxy has funny jokes, good performances, and characters that are interesting and have an emotional arc. Transformers has none of that, the writing and acting is awful and there is so much terrible Michael Bay-ness like all of the saturated colors and gratuitous shots of women. Also, the movies are so LONG. The last one was almost 3 hours. Plus, Transformers is a bad adaptation. Transformers was never about the humans, but that's so much of what the movies focus on. Guardians actually adpated a comic book well and made it accessible to everyone instead of ruining it's essence.

Orange Attack2015-05-01T17:16:28Z

Guardians of the Galaxy is made by Marvel, so of course it's going to be overrated.

That said, the Transformers movies just suck.


Because they're totally different. And the Guardians movie was fun, whereas the transformers was lame, starred Shia LaDouche, and had the dumbest dialogue and action sequences ever. Not to mention really bad jokes. Plus it made a mockery of one of the greatest childhood animated shows in history.


Idk. Im critical of both