How should I feel about what my mom is doing?

My problem started when I invited some of my high school friends for a sleep over at my house. These girls bonded with my mom who is a doctor mostly because they could ask her questions about their body and mostly about their reproductive system. Mom gave them correct information and corrected MANY errors in their thinking about their bodies. This info really opened their eyes and hopefully made for less teenage pregnancies.

These girls told their friends about the sleep over and several other girls ask if I would have another sleep over and invite them. I did this and had the same result. They all wanted to talk to my mom about their bodies. I did this 4 times.

I am not sure how I should feel about this. I feel a little bit unusual about sharing my mom with these girls. Mom is always available to answer their questions as she has seen the tragic consequences of bad information on teen girls lives. Should I be proud that my mom is available to give these girls the facts of life.

Why is it they feel so free to talk to my mom with their questions and will not talk to their parents.


Favorite Answer

their own parents probably don;t have all the knowledge for one thing and are just not comfortable discussing such things


Avoid sleepovers with them. have one at another girls house. if they want to be there for your mom, let's just say if it where me I would just give them her number and say **** you. I don't like being used as u can tell and that's sort of what they're doing to you.

bentley f2015-05-13T07:08:08Z

Who cares?


honey I was just trying to help