What happened to the Obama....?

stimulus bill of $800 billion that went to the "infrastructure" of the country? Democrats are blaming the Amtrak derailment on the Republicans (instead of the engineer) for wanting to cut some of Amtrak's funding. Where'd that other money go to?

Spock (rhp)2015-05-14T16:40:39Z

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i guess that $800 billion wasn't enough -- at least according to the Dimocrats.

what i can assure you of is that the Davis-Bacon Act caused most of that money to flow into the pockets of union members in the form of contracts that only they could get. and, in case you didn't know, unions are the biggest financial supporters of Obama. Economists estimate that 10 to 15 percent of such contracts [80 to 120 billion] is wasted on enriching union labor at the expense of non-union workers.

Btw, the poor are generally non-union workers and the unions are over represented with white men. so Obama is a supporter of inequality and a raw deal for the constituents who voted most heavily for him.

Politics is about winning and continuing to win, not about doing right


We do not know why the train was going so fast - it may have been human error it may not - but we do know that a 2008 bill required the Positive Train Control technology be installed throughout the country by this year. We also know that in 2012 Republicans started delaying it. Positive Train Control is technology that would automatically slow the train down before taking a bend - and whatever the reason for this crash would likely have prevented it.
Trying to cloud those simply facts with talk about the stimulus may be all cons have but it doesn't change that the people who died would likely be alive today if Republicans had not allowed the delay of the implementation of this life saving technology.

Marina 12015-05-14T17:28:57Z

Of the $787 billion stimulus, a little over $100 billion was used on infrastructure. You can read how the rest was spent by checking the Government website. It would take at least a trillion to begin to fix and upgrade all infrastructure. Several other countries infrastructure is far ahead of the USA.


The monies all went to Wall Street. Every last dime.


You have defied King Obama and his brainwashed fans by asking this. Democrats are insane. How could ANYONE use try to use this tragedy to their advantage, when the victims aren't even buried yet?

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