how to loose 4 pounds in a month?

guys i've been on a diet for 6 months and i've lost 36 pound but the last one month i didn't loose a single pound and i really wanna go back to normal eating... i take 1000 calories per day and skip for 20 mins every day .... i dk wat to do now... plz hepl me anyone


Skipping for 20 minutes everyday is definitely not enough for losing any major weight. Eating big and tasty is easy if you do it right. I'd suggest sticking to a diet consisting of chicken and rice / potatoes with vegetables for dinner and eat a sandwich or something for lunch and not overly unhealthy for brekky and you should be good.


What is your current height and weight? It could be that you've reach your limit and anything beyond that will do more harm to your body than good.

shy and sober2015-05-18T02:12:20Z

i'm 5'2'' and i'm now 114 pounds