What is the meaning of: Assalato wassalamo alaika Ya RasoolAllāh?

Assalamu Alaikum,

I believe that the meaning is: "Peace and Blessings be upon the Companions of the Messenger of Allāh."

Can you confirm this please.

Thank you.

Wasalaams. Jazak Allāh.


Favorite Answer

Yes, you are right.
Instead of saying "Assalato wassalamo alaika Ya RasoolAllāh"

Try saying "Sallalaho aaliihi wa sallam" Because it is more accurate.

User ℜ2016-02-07T17:23:50Z

It means peace and blessings be upon you Messenger of Allah

Assalatu wassalamu aala as-habi rasool Allah means peace and blessings be upon the companions of the Messenger of Allah
Salamu Alaikum :)