Are Obama supporters proud he's making a nuclear deal with Iran?

After all ,Iran has been anti America and anti Jew for years ,what better way to make amends than to give them the capacity to build a nuclear bomb.


Yes, it is an historic change for Iran which will bring them into line with other successful countries, even more so, since they are an advanced country already hampered by a 35-year-old embargo.

The agreement curbs a lot of what they have to do to build a warhead, some provisions are for 10 years, others for the next 25 years. It is restrictive. America is getting all the concessions. Iran is not anti-Semetic. There are Jews in Parliament and in Iran, though most left after the revolution because they are secular.

Like all the countries in that region, they do not like Israel's treatment of Palestinians or Hezbollah and Hamas militant organizations.

There are many Iranian Jews in the U.S. and England. So you are completely ignorant on this.

They could have a nuclear weapon. After all, Israel has 200 of them. Why not? It's a good way to keep Israel and Saudi Arabia from attacking Iran.

In one of these links, former Mossad agent says deal with Iran and the world powers is not bad.


We aren't giving them the capacity for it, they already could have that through North Korea or China.
They even have instructions for making a nuclear bomb online.
That particular portion, regarding inspections is a sticking point. They don't want any, we insist on it.
The difficult part of making one isn't the technology, its the ingredients, and if they wanted to buy it on the black or white market we'd know about it. So would everyone else, that's what spies really do most of the time.
Very dull paperwork following, not running around saving the world with cyborgs.

I'm not especially proud of it, its a necessity to deal with countries we neither like nor trust, there aren't that many alternatives after all, its either diplomacy or war, or not having any handle on their intent.
Of those choices, I'll take diplomacy.


Obama has made certain Iran already has the Bomb and if they attack Israel he will assist Iran. When Obama's ISIS and their Sharia law come to America the people who continue to support Obama will have a Blast.


Yes. We don't war

If you actually researched about what the deal is, then you'll know that it does not give Iran the capacity to acquire nuclear weapons.


Yes. I like it for the first time in history we can sit down together with all the other nuclear nations, to negotiate on a peaceful solution that will work for all of us.

It must not have been easy to convince China, Russia, Britain, Germany, and France to sit at the same table.

I do however get the feeling that the other countries really want to do business with Iran though.

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