Why are only some "racist" behaviors acknowledged and chosen to defend over others?


I'm not talking about abusive behaviors, violence, or harassment.....

By this I ask is it not racist to force a company to hire a minority person ( to show racial diversity and prevent being sued for being "racist")....
Is it also not racist to force someone to do business with someone they are not comfortable doing business with.....
Is it not racist to force a company to change their policies to accommodate someone else's customs (taking away their business choice and freedoms)......


because the people who think thier acts of racism arent on a high enough level to freak out about generally are more racist than the people they accuse.

Felonious Monkey2015-06-10T06:13:40Z

Not sure what you're getting at. I call racism out whenever I see it.


To me, racism is simply one person of one race imply, infer, suggest, or cite that another race is inferior to their own.


Don't be so vague and you might be able to get an answer.


Jesse Jackson and Al are laughing all the way to the bank.