Well today is my grandpas 80th birthday, and obviously they have cake, i only had one slice of cake and 2 small cookies, will i get fat???? i workout everyday and eat healthy. I rarely eat junk food, but i only ate today so will i get fat???
First, it was a piece of cake AND two cookies. So why are you ONLY asking about the cake?
But, of course not. In fact, you should have small amounts of "naughty" food so you don't build up cravings and binge.
But, no. One piece of cake -- even accompanied by a serving of cookies -- won't make you fat.
Seriously, if you could think rationally for even one moment, you'd realize that everyone who eats one piece of cake doesn't instantly become obscenely obese.
In the future, though, have ONE treat, not THREE. Or one TINY piece of cake and ONE SMALL cookie.
No, you will not get fat. It's actually good to occassionally give your body sugars and stuff, but only in small portions. One piece of cake and a few cookies won't kill you. Also, it's actually better for your metabolism to mix up your diet