Question about adult swim club?

I am considering joining an adult swim club. They focus on fitness swimming, competitive swimming, etc. I was wondering if since it is an adult club, would a physical be required before I can participate? I looked on the website and it did not mention anything about it, but does that mean it will not be required at some point before I can practice? If one is required, what would be involved for an adult female? Would it just be a basic exam such as height, weight, blood pressure, etc.? Also, I don't have a primary care provider. Therefore, where can I get the exam since I am over 21 and I think Walgreens only offers this service to people 21 and under? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


I just looked on the website for the national office and they state that it is recommended, but not required, to have a physical examaination before starting any new activity.

Skoda John2015-06-29T23:33:02Z

Unlikely to have a medical. You will probably be asked to fill in a questionare on your health and fitness.
The big advantage is no children.
It depends on what you want to get from this.


I have never heard this being asked. My clubs that I have been in have never asked it.