Is Obama a fool or a traitor for making a nuclear deal with Iran?

Obama plans to lift sanctions on Iran. Iran did say they will not be a part of the collation against ISIS unless all sanctions are lifted. Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei vowed "Death to America" moments after Obama made this deal with Iran. Iran fired on a U.S. mock aircraft carrier, and detained a U.S. cargo ship. Iran continues to support terrorist organizations like Hezbollah, Hamas and probably Al Qaeda too. Iran labels "Israel a cancer that needs to be removed", and calls America "the great Satan". Yet this president trusts Iran, that fool or should I say traitor or both? Why should we trust Iran? how do we know Iran won't turn on us and go back on their word after we lift sanctions on them, North Korea did the same thing. You should never believe anything your enemies tell you.

Iran knows they have to fight ISIS anyways.


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Iran = majority shiite muslims (at war with sunni muslims)

Obama = shiite muslim

Obama supports Iran.


Um, Irans uranium enrichment is for their attempt at using nuclear power over fossil fuels which is probably why Environut Obama is loosening restrictions to help them have enough uranium to make a lot of nuclear power plants

Yes,Yes there is a fear that they could make a nuclear bomb....but lets remember that these people cant even mix the gunk in their underwear right or get a lighter to work to light their shoe...Nuclear bombs take way more clockwork precision then a shoe bomb or a underwear bomb and getting the chain reaction going can be a ***** if humidity,temperature, gravity load, or vibration knocks something out of alignment...its why a engineer that buit the thing had to babysit the bomb all the way to Hiroshima, and all the existing nuclear missiles are more likely then not to be duds from age and environmental factors from storage rendering them useless by now

So while its easy enough to boil water with the Uranium (how nuclear power plants boil water to turn steam turbines) its not likely the stuff in Iran will ever find its way into a workable bomb built in Iran without some help from a nuclear bomb technician with no scruples(maybe Russian)


There are 6 nations involved in the negotiations with Iran: China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany. Obama is neither a fool or a traitor, and will not be goaded into war by Benjamin Netanyahu.


Go back on what word? Just what are the sanctions on Iran intended to accomplish anyway? Because I'll tell you what they really accomplish. They give the current regime in Iran a stronger grip on power by giving them an outside force to blame for any hardships they experience



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