Cartilage and Lobe piercing questions?

For cartilage: How long is the healing process? Also, after how long until I could sleep on the side I got my piercing? When can I change the starter earring? And lastly since I don't have sea salt, could I just use my Claire's ear care solution or my CVS contact solution as an alternative? I've just been using the Claire's solution for the past few days but I'm not sure. I'll be able to get the sea salt in a week or two so which one is more preferable?
Lobe piercing: I got my second hole piercing around a week and a half ago. I used the Claire's ear care solution for that as well and it's healing pretty well. Anyways I was also wondering when I would be able to change the earring because the starter earring they gave me was super ugly but it was the only one I could afford.

♠ Merlin ♠2015-07-06T02:18:24Z

Favorite Answer

healing of a cartilage piercing varies
its a prolonged healing piercing though, for me it was almost 3 months before i could sleep on it
it was a good 8 months before it was 100% healed, i had mine done with a needle , cant comment if it was a gun, you have spun a roulette wheel if done using a gun

lobes are easier
6 weeks to heal and change

sea salt is cheap and readily available in any supermarket
get some, today


well you could change it now but it would hurt and to clean it you can just use rubbing alcohol if you want because the stuff they give is mainly alcohol and the healing of the cartilage is about 12 weeks but mine took about 3 or 4 months to COMPLETELY heal and for the lobe it take about 6 to 8 weeks


For Cartilage;
the healing process of cartilage can be up to 3 weeks, I would say don't sleep on it until its healed just because it could be a risk.