Why did Obama say that he would...?

debate "vigorously" with Congress on the Iran deal, yet also say if it doesn't pass he will veto it?
Why debate if his mind is already made up to do it his way or else?


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Obama's idea of debate is he gives speeches and you listen.

He negotiates with terrorists but not Congress.


Obama is keeping the door open for the reps to debate from. If they have a better plan ... let's hear it.
If one includes the gwb admin, the reps have had 15 yrs. to come up w/ a viable alternate plan to the ACA.
We want to be alive when the reps commit to what they want.
ANYONE can complain about what they don't like/want. The advanced minds work on solutions. The reps have had months/yrs. to submit what their solution is to Iran ... still waiting.
If they want war as opposed to a diplomatic oriented multi national peace agreement ... why don't they come out and say it?
The reps need to tell us what they want. Why is that so difficult? ... I know why ... do you?


It is highly unlikely that 13 or 14 Democrat Senators will do the right thing. When has that ever happened before?


That's what debate means to him. It's always been his way or no way at all. Don't expect any kind of compromise from him, or you will be sorely disappointed.


Debate does not mean surrendering your position. Congress can still override a Presidential veto. That is the way our system works. If you don't like it, blame the founding fathers.

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