Does drinking a certain amount of alcohol in one go lead to more, less or the same intoxication vs drinking over an extended period of time?
For example, drinking the equivalent of 5 shots in one gulp from one glass vs drinking 5 shots over the course of 3 hours. Also, which is more damaging to the liver?
For reference, assume both scenarios to be on a 200lbs, 6 foot tall male.
Truth be told, that I miss you2015-07-26T19:47:24Z
Favorite Answer
Drinking more alcohol in less time will make you more intoxicated. The amount of alcohol that is in 1 shot takes about 1 hour to work out of your body. So if you take 1 shot, in 1 hour you'll be completely sober. If you take 2 shots in 1 hour it,ll take 2 hours to sober up. If you take 5 shots in 1 hour, itll take 5 hours to sober up. Obviously, the more alcohol you drink the more intoxicated you'll be. If you took 1 shot every hour for 5 hours you wouldn't get intoxicated at all because the alcohol gets worked out before more goes in.
Drinking more at one time is also more damaging because the BAC, the concentration of alcohol in your blood, is higher and the liver has more to filter out.
You'll get more drunk from the five shots in one gulp. You'll also be sober sooner if that's all you have. I doubt if there's a whole lot of difference, as far as your liver is concerned