Is dad cheating?

I have noticed a lot of odd behavior going on lately. Our cell phone Bill is off the charts, and I don't even have a phone so it's not me! He works late all the time and his hours change like crazy. The job he has shouldnt be changing hours like that- one time he was gone for three days. He made some excuse about something coming up. Whenever my mom touches his cell phone, he gets all angry, and he won't let my little brother play games in it anymore. His colleagues are always calling him late at night, and he has lots of odd contacts I've never heard of in his phone. My grandfather cheated on my grandmother which is why I'm worried, and I'm old enough to understand what this means. I was hoping I could get a second opinion. (I'm a 16 year old girl, by the way, and I really, honestly don't have a phone!) My brother and sister are 12 and 8, and aI was also wondering what would happen to us.


I can't really say, but it sounds to me that he is. Try asking him questions about his job, if he's short with you about it or he doesn't wanna give you any information, he probably is. I don't advise that you ease drop, but it could help you. It does seem very shady though. I would say just monitor his behavior and try to catch him in a lie. You're his child, so you've got to know some of his weaknesses. You can get it out of him with out really even asking, you just gotta know how to do it. I guess just try to get more involved. I'm sorry to he's about this, btw. I hope all goes well


Try to talk to your dad alone. Tell him that you have noticed how odd he has been acting, and that you hope everything is ok. Do not accuse him of anything. Just let him know that you are worried. Then talk with your mom and see what she has to say.


he's an adult and he has all the rights to do what he wnats unless he breaks a law....So i think you should allow him to be who he is