My little brother is addicted to YouTube. What should I do?

About a year ago, my parents got my brother an iPad. He plays with it every day, but not on games like a normal kid. He spends all of his time on YouTube! He'll watch hours of it every day, up to eight hours or more. He wakes up at five in the morning to play YouTube, and doesn't even eat breakfast. He won't come to the table to eat lunch or dinner, and when he does, he brings his iPad with him. If we have to go to a doctor or relatives house, he panics until he gets the wifi password, and if the Internet goes out, I have literally seen him get anxiety attacks. We can't go anywhere where there's no Internet because of him, and my parents don't want to do anything about it. I'm not old enough to drive, and I need to go places! Any advice?


Edit: I AM A TEENAGER. I CANNOT TAKE HIS TABLET AWAY. I know taking it away or turning the Internet off would be the obvious solution, but I can't. My parents won't let me because they don't want to hear his screaming.


My Little Youtube


So, uh, the most logical and simple answer is, remove the ipad and send him outside. Why are people so incapable these days?


Block it on the router, or just shut down the internet for a while( maybe a week or two )


You can't change other people, but you can find ways to cope with the situation.


Relax, when school starts he'll have no choice.

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