When people interpret dreams is that a load of BS or is there anything to it psychologically?

The reason I ask this is because I have very lucid dreams where I fly and do all kinds of things and over the years they have become more and more vivid to the point where I actually sometimes think I'm actually awake in them. This is not usually a fun experience. Sometimes I have confused dream memories with real ones and can't remember if it was a thing that really happened or something I dreamed. I used to read Freud a lot and believe there is something to Freud though I think psychoanalysis for the most part is a bunch of BS. What are your opinions on this? Not just opinions though I would like to see info from studies or any facts possible.


Dreams tend to be symbolic. If you constantly dream you are in a cage with feelings of trapped-ness, it probably means you feel trapped in some part of your life it's basically like your minds way of telling you what is going on. Similarly if you are in. Cage with feelings of security it could mean you are getting a welcome relief depending on the circumstance.

Without meeting you and knowing a bit about you it would be difficult for me to tell you exactly what your dreams mean. They are a very personal thing as you can imagine. I like doing it from time to time because I am quite intuitive with symbols and symbolism.

Be wary though there will always be someone trying to con money from you. Especially since you can say any old BS and it having the same credibility as someone who actually knows what they are talking about.


I used to dream much more than i do now.They were very vivid and colourful.So many of them came true.One was about a packet of sewing needles.Four in the pack with the middle one missing.They were all blunt and i couldn`t sew with any of them.
A few months later i went to The Isle of Wight.After walking up Culver Downs what did i see? The needles.Apparently there had been five but one fell into the sea..