I come from a ritzy area, but I'm not rich! What do I do?

Okay, I'm not poor, but I'm not rich either, and I come from an extremely well off area. I'm not even CLOSE to the driving age, but most of my peers already have fancy sports cars waiting for them, and they go on cruises around the world, when the most we can afford is New Jersey. I've never been out of the New England area, while most kids have been all over the world! I live in a nice house, but mostly everyone else has mansions. They all have the latest phones, fashions and whatever is popular because their parents buy them anything! It's difficult for me to make friends with all of these ritzy, snobby people. Sure, there are a few I hang out with, but whenever they talk about fancy vacations or the 300 dollar purs they got for no reason at all, I can't help but get jealous. Sometimes I feel like they even try to make me feel like I'm below them. I'm in the gifted program, but I might even not be able to attend college. One kid even said to me, after helping with his homework, "well, you're smart, but it doesn't matter anyway because I'll go to a better college." It just aggravates me so much! I feel like I can't even take people to my house or they'll be disappointed. It's not that I'm really poor, I'm just not like these upper-class snobs! I don't want to sound spoiled or ungrateful, but what do I do?


Favorite Answer

I totally know how you feel. I've always been sort of obsessed with looking rich. I don't have a lot of the same issues that you have, no one in my town judges me for my crap car, etc. but I still love the idea of seeming classy, refined, rich. I google "how to seem rich" a lot, it's sort of fun so I reccomend. As for the car situation, is buying a nice moped an option? If not, get a crappy car and seem confident in it. Act like you wanted it more than you would want a nice car. I'm from MN, and camping is huge here. There is this sort of outdoorsy type of rich here that isn't all that expensive to pull off. Can't afford vacation? Make camping your thing and visit state parks and hike. It's totally fun. If that's not your cup of tea, find what is. Come up with your "look". Be confident in it, as for the college part, if you are smart enough, scholarships are out there. You have to work hard, but you can totally get into a great school for an affordable price.


Are you kids fkn serious. Tell these kids they are losers and move on. It's their parents money not theirs. Money isn't everything and the only reason you think it is, is because of social media. Open your eyes. Grow the fk up.