Is the term 'Black Lives Matter' a racist idea and motto?


Of course it's racist.

Go run around the country yelling, 'White Lives Matter' and see how long it takes before the FBI comes kicking down your door.

R T2015-09-01T15:40:25Z

It wasn't a racist idea until a crowd shouted down someone for saying All Lives Matter. That pushed the idea over the line into racist territory.


yes .. think about it Black lives matter when taken by the police or a white person. . but the thousands killed in black on black crime even when there children don't seem too. If you look at it . It's more like punishing those who did it even when justified to there fit there agenda ..not about the value of the life taken...


It is a racist motto filled with hate. Tell them all lives matter and you will labeled racist by the left.


Yes. It's racist. All lives matter.

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