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Since Black history is taken as a joke, especially by racists, do "Black lives really matter"?

Let's face it! Black history is like the unwanted stepchild of Standardized American history! In fact, in suburban school districts, this curious aspect of American history is not really discussed beyond the "Emancipation Proclamation," and "Dr. King."

Therefore, in possessing such a shallow narrative of a history that began in earnest before the "Mayflower," are the opinions of those educated accordingly 'objective' in their condemnation of the slogan: "Black lives matter?"


@ Supa: Apparently you don't live in the South! Don't be so quick to judge since our experiences are not shared. Besides, you totally missed the veiled irony within my post. Duh?

Update 2:

@ Up: Aha! How very slippery of you to inject that an embryo's life also matters! However, at the earliest stages of its existence, an embryo does not have a 'soul.' This is the defining line which makes a late term abortion an abomination against both mother and fetus. However, this is not advocate for victims of rape & incest - as most pro-lifers refuse to lend distinction to.

Nonetheless, your astute assessments very thought provoking since abortions kill more Blacks while in the womb!

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    6 years ago

    All life matters.

    It seems that a lot of people don't realize that we are all in this together on this planet. Every generation before had an impact on how we live today no matter what color.

    Slavery was as a horrendous act in history as any but do you realize that without black people in the "new world" life would not be as good as it is right now. Many advancements in technology or agriculture would not exist... many people can not think beyond the person who invented something. Go back and stop that first slave ship from reaching America's soil and think about how things would be. Everything from indoor plumbing to fast food would not exist. Chinese, railroad work... Italians and Irishmen fit into this as well.

  • 6 years ago

    Look, this is pretty simple. If people want taken seriously, they have to act in such as way as to be respected and taken seriously. That is true of every group regardless of how much one wishes to play victim. Half of the stuff blacks are credited with inventing is nonsense and even a bit of research proves it. But people do not want to look because they are scared to death of what they will have to face. Now lets be clear. If they had invented something, I do not want to remove even an ounce of merit or credit from the accomplishment. But if people have to lie in order to try to look good or feel they and their race are of some worth, they have already lost. I do not want to remove anything one is actually due. But I also will not give them anything they did not earn.

    You know, it is hard to take people seriously when as a group,

    all they seem to do is avoid responsibility,

    blame whites,

    have kids they will not support,

    think receiving welfare is just fine as a way of life,

    have an attitude that being a criminal is respectable and

    believe that a person who gets shot after pulling a gun on a cop makes you a victim.

    Seriously, how do you not look down on people who as a group act that way or have the attitudes and opinions they have? I actually do not see how any sane people could not look down on them.

    How do I consider people my equal when they only have to pull ten pounds and I have to pull fifty? Or they only have to score a 60 on a test everyone else has to have on 80 to pass. And it is a test that the average house cat to pass to boot. Please, someone tell me how that does not make blacks look substandard?

    How does it not make me look at the black guy with captains bars on and laugh my *** off, thinking yeah, un huh, sure he earned it or he was the best qualified? Hey, he may actually have been the best choice on some occasions, but one cannot be upset because no one else believes it. All you have to do is look at how things have gone and what has taken place over the last thirty years to have my point proven over and over. And how is it that if a black person does not get a job, it is racist but it they do get it, they were the best qualified? Come on people. Be realistic for once. Can you not admit that a whole lot of blacks are working in the job they have merely because they are black? If they had not been black, God help them, they would have to be street bums because they have no skills or abilities. The only thing that got them the job was skin color. But oh no, you cant say that and no one can admit it? The emperor has no clothes either.

    Even blacks, when put in charge will become tyrannical dictators over other blacks. You know, their brothers and sisters supposedly. So much for that its all whitey kicking you in the head. Try it when blacks are in charge and see what happens to you black people.

    You know, it is funny how people like to quote what M.L. King said about how he wanted his kids to be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Below is the part no one ever wants to address because they know if they do, it will bash their own teeth in. So they avoid it because they must.

    What this requires which no one wants to deal with or accept is that people have to be willing to see and realize when it is their character or lack of it which they are judged on and not the color of their skin. And people know that is the case, so they have to play victim instead. Why should they do so when they can just scream racist and remain the same toad they have always been by choice and not because they have been treated any worse than what you have earned?

    People can call that mean, hateful, racist, ugly, whatever. But that will not change one thing. Address the actual points or shut your loser yap, for you will only make my points for me by doing otherwise.

  • 6 years ago

    Of course black lives matter so long as they behave themselves and dont riot which they tend to do at the turn of a hat. The are very short tempered and always thinking they have been hard done by,but if they are violent they are bound to come a cropper. Moral is act like white people do.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    6 years ago

    Surely the pre-slavery History,is very fragmented and tribal ?

    Not a black history,but histories ,of various tribes,ethnicities,and African Nationalities ?

    United later,only by their slavery.

    So to tabulate,we'd need to look at the various routes to slavery,and unified " blackness",rather than " A " ,history.

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  • 6 years ago

    Some confusion here. 'Black lives matter' - yes they most certainly do. Black history matters - yes as far as it applies to the history of the USA. The history of black countries matters - yes as far as they impacted on the USA. The history of places like Benin matters as much as the history of places like Greece and Rome and Germany and places?

    You have got to be joking.

  • 6 years ago

    All lives matter, let's end abortion and admit the leading minority in America today, isn't blacks but pretend Blacks are somehow the Royalty of Minorities is a very racist.

  • 6 years ago

    Of course. I find it strange that, when the USA teach black history, they seem to think it started with the Slave trade. It would be galling for them to find out that many places in Africa have a much longer history than the USA.

    For excample, the Koranic Sankore University in Timbuktu dates back to the 15th Century.

  • 6 years ago

    Are you seriously asking if racists think Black lives matter?

  • 6 years ago

    Racists are no judge of anything other than a society's failure to run itself properly. Besides, the history of the USA is so incredibly short that it misses 99% of 'black' history.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    I am sure that black lives matter, to them, just as I am sure your life matters, to you.

    The simple fact that you know next to nothing about "what is taught in suburban school district's history classes" only proves your ignorance, no one else's.

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