Is anyone besides me uncomfortable with the possibility of Donald Trump representing America to the World?


Favorite Answer

Sadly No. In fact China ,Russia and a hundred other countries and their people are praying that Trump wins and Palin becomes his VEEP .With such massive support ,how can he not win.

In fact his election and the horrid values etc he represents will simply nhasten the destruction of the US Empire.

Cons are all about destroying be it our country or other countries like Iraq.


The 'World', apparently, loves Trump. Trump makes more treaties and agreements with foreign governments in a week than Obama has in his entire Presidency...and these are treaties that benefit BOTH sides. What a concept!

Experience, friend. It makes all the difference. Maybe in a few years your President will be experience enough to actually BE President...probably not, though.

The Oracle of Omigod2015-09-10T07:24:27Z

Donald Trump has a 30% favorability rating. That means 70% of the population is uncomfortable with the idea.


Yet Obama is OK? A man who is not proud of America, who goes around apologizing for America? An obvious Muslim communist? You have got to be kidding.


Obama has made our nation weaker in the eyes of our allies, and more importantly our enemies. Trump, at least wants us to regain our respect.

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