Is anyone else surprised at how many young men are coming in as "refugees" I guess I expected mostly women and children and the elderly.?
I expected the young men of fighting age to be doing all they could to take back their homes and rid their country of ISIS. Why do you think they are not fighting?
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Yes True Refugees are Woman and Children Not young men with smart Phones they are Just gate Crashers Using Syria as an excuse to get free Board and Lodgings in Europe
I think their goal is to get to a safe place for their families. We dont know which side they are on in Syria, for or against Assad. I think ISIL and the violent opposition to Assad were too much for them. The young men are thinking of their future. I am surprised how many average people speak a little English.
They could not fight against all the armed groups. And if a father or husband gets killed, the women and children have no way to take care of themselves.
ISIS is vicious and vindictive! They behead, execute, burn alive! They are well armed! They have no scruples, no morals, all are fare game, even little girls! Plus indiscriminate drones from above! Willy nilly. Can't seem to target ISIS! The rebels/ others are happy to use chemical weapons. 500,000 million people have died. Plus 6 million are displaced within Syria. Only 4 million have fled! Some have no guns with which to fight. Those within are trapped. Syrian war has been going on since 2011.
Not at all, of course it is easier for young men to travel the thousands of miles to reach Europe, (2,300 miles from Syria to Germany) than those men with wives and children and those women who have already seen their husbands killed.
Would I, or you, if faced with a civil war in our country have left or tried to persuade our teenage son to fight or stay behind, of course not, nor would any normal parent who cares about her children.
Living in that part of the world - life is not normal - there has been conflicts and wars there for over 2000 years - and most average people there do not have a RAMBO weapons catch 92 to use at the drop of a hat