How to take quizzes and tests faster, MAYBE get out of special ed?

I'm a HS sophomore in special ed. For the last few years, I often go to special ed to take a test. This year I don't for most classes, but, while I've always noticed I have to work harder in school than most and I've never been a fast test taker, this year I seemed to have slowed down for some reason. I've noticed I may have to rush to finish a test on time or may not even finish. I knwo asking to take it in special ed might help, but I doubt it'll be an option in college, so I'd like to go ahead and get used to it. So, I know to study more, but how else can I take tests faster?


Favorite Answer

One option is to go through the test quickly the first time and answer all the quick and/or easy questions first. Then go back and answer the ones that take longer.

Another option would be try to find sample tests or protests with which you can practice.

Do you have a tutor? A tutor can also be a big help.

With love in Christ.


I have no idea have you tried to use a yellow piece of plastic over the reading parts of quizzes? It cuts down on the harshness of black and white and you may be able to focus better. I do not even know where to get a yellow piece like they used for over head projectors See if you can buy one from a business supply shop. or ask the school counselor if they can provide some thing similar.. Have your test printed on a blander color of paper. You are entitled to an education make them work for you. You have the right to succeed. Don't be ashamed of having a disability> We all have learning challenges you need to have the chance to learn from the one that best fits you. We are not all cookie cutter people. Really hope this helps.