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Slight Dyslexia or Something Else?

okay so since middle school i rarely find a book i enjoy to read. When i'm forced to read a book for a report, my reading isn't fluent. When i speak, i talk SUPER fast, im not sure why. On occasion, i get numbers reversed. Also, when i write letters i write them backwards. Its not all the time, just sometimes. I'm being put in all honors next year, & i've been doing really good in my classes right now (I'm in regular classes). I can NEVER manage time well ever. I do my homework around 11pm & get done 2am maybe 3. But what surprises me is that i get A's on the assignments. My hobbies are sports, drama (acting), & I love designing things.My brain daydreams sometimes. For example, if in English we're reading, if i see even 1 word, it'll remind me of something COMPLETELY different & I'll be fixed on that. I absolutely hate reading to myself. If i read aloud, i read too fast & stutter. My hand writing is sloppy, always has been. I always try to read but if u asked me a question about what i just read, i'd have no idea what the answer is. I've always been SOO unorganizied its not even funny, But it seems to work cuz i ALWAYS remember where things are. I've been told i'm too sensitive to things. I took alot of "Am I dyslexic" quizzes, & they all said there's a strong possibility. I really don't want to be in special ed classes because i do so well in my classes now & i think i'm capable of the challenge. So dyslexic? or what else could it be? Thank you :))

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some of what you have described sounds like ADHD/ADD and some sounds like dyslexia. But the only way to know for sure if you have dyslexia & or ADHD/ADD is see a qualified specialist.

    A qualified specialist such as a Neuropsychologist, Clinical psychologists, Education psychologist etc, who will do some very comprehensive tests before diagnosing someone with a learning disorder.

    Dyslexia can affect all aspects of a persons learning, reading, writing, spelling, maths, memory, sequencing skills, omitting words and difficulty pronouncing words, especially unfamiliar words, and confusion between left & right and difficulty reading maps, reversal of letters, p, q, b, d, m, w, and some numbers, transposing of words such as was to saw, including comprehension of what they have read or heard (spoken language).

    Some people only have area of difficulty, difficulty with maths is dyscalculia, difficulty with hand writing & spelling is dysgraphia.

    Signs of ADHD/ADD;

    In ability to sit still - fidgets or wriggle around (ADHD)

    Easily distracted - has trouble staying focused on task at hand

    Impulsive - interrupts others, blurts out the answer with out waiting to be called, has trouble waiting for their turn

    Chats excessively - talks all the time, even when told to be quite

    Poor attention span - does not listen to what is being said or asked, has difficulty following instructions

    Disorganized - has difficulty to organize themselves to start or complete task/chores

    Misplaces or loose things - such as home work, toys etc.

    Dyslexia is a hereditary disorder, and the ADHD/ADD is familial, which means having a close family relative with either of these disorders, then it does increase your risk of having them too.

    As you seem to be doing quite well at school and your school teachers have not raised any concerns to your parents, then you may not entitled to any classroom supports. If you were really struggling at school and there is a family history of dyslexia or ADHD/ADD then it is worth you having an assessment.

    Both my daughter & I are dyslexic, we also have Irlens & ADHD.

    Source(s): Youth & Disability support worker and teacher, with a special interest in learning disorders, especially dyslexia Dyslexia - ADHD/ADD -
  • 8 years ago

    As a straight A student, you would not be eligible for special education services. You have to qualify under a specific eligibility category and the "disability" has to impact your ability to complete grade level work. That doesn't seem to be a problem for you. You seem to understand your weaknesses, so you know what you need to work on. You certainly have some amazing strengths that are getting you through school with good grades.

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