An independent mom knows how to do her own damn crap she don't need a man to help her with the kids; he wants to do so on his own fine ?


She should know her job so well she doesn't need to ask her male counterpart to help her. She shouldn't be asking him to help her with the vacuuming even if she is working; she should be so organized she can do it on her own. His job outside the home is more important than hers; her job is that extra bit of income to see them through. So, yes, she has to be organized because at times he cannot help. And with all these modern inventions how can she not be able to do it on her own?


Mabe, I believe it's the truth. You disagree fine and good. But, a woman, a mother should know her job so well she don't need his help. I am talking about housework. If I am talking about house work it is not a lie. She should know her job that she can do her house work with out his help. Heck he wants to take the kids to the park and if she wants to ask him to that's up to her. But, basically she should be doing her own housework is what I am saying. And please do not bring up that slave bit ..


You're degrading me and you and all women and than we get into bad attitudes and feeling sorry for our selves and that leads into depression. Life is not and has never been a bowl of cherries.


When did I mention single mothers? I must be speaking a language unknown to mankind the way many of you are answering. When you find out what this language is please tell me.

K. Dot 🇺🇸2015-10-18T06:15:08Z

Favorite Answer

Single mothers are a cancer to society. Good luck raising those future criminals.


That's a lie! Knowing how to be a father is impossible, the best she can do is be a good mother. Whether the parents are together or not, they each made the children, and they need to each help equally with the child because they need the love and attention, both ways, each parent/child. It isn't fine that he has a choice, and a woman is just expected...etc. (of course, if it's crap she has, it's independence along with it, and possibly the children be better off with the father, just sayin..this is what you wrote), so I'm mentioning this too as a finish line.

True Blue Brit2015-10-18T07:05:10Z

Why do mothers have to be independent? It takes two to make a child, and I think two parents are usually better than one. What is the problem with a child knowing his or her father, bonding with that parent? As a single parent, I valued the break from 24 hour a day, seven days a week, child care. I'm not sure what your question is, or why it is stated so aggressively. But children aren't crap. And they need a father in their lives.


Are you expecting us to comment on your statement?

It is worth noting that most women are not capable of raising a child without help. While independent mothers are commendable, they aren't a representation of female capability. More times than not, a man who abandons his off-spring doesn't result in a situation that one would describe as "fine".


I just read your additional details. It seems I've misinterpreted your question. I'd just like to clarify that a woman who is organised and knows how to do housework does not qualify as an "independent mother". She probably doesn't even qualify as a mother at all.

The rest of your ramblings are irrelevant to the majority of parents on this planet. Who are you to decide what a mothers or fathers job is? And whose job is more important?

My mother has worked 12-14 hours, 5 days a week, for the majority of her marriage. But she has never picked up a vacuum cleaner. Am I supposed to dismiss her as a bad mother?

1949 Frazer2015-10-18T06:14:58Z

That's a statement, not a question

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