What to do with police officers?

So i havent really been in a situation of abuse but ive been close.

I got stopped and search on the street once. it was a female cop who asked for back up and 2 big male cops cam and stood behind me while she searched me.

Another time me and my friend were walking down the street and stopped for a second trying to figure out where we were and then a cop pulled up almost hitting us telling us to get on the car.

Lastly me and my family were driving at like 1 in the morning and we got pulled over by a cop. Then 2 more cops pulled in front of us and they all got out point guns at our car saying hands up. Then told us our light was dim.

So im kind of paranoid now. I know there are good cops but i dont think im willing to take that chance. They are allowed to use pretty much any amount of force and they dont get in trouble but if you try to defend yourself they can uuse even more force. Theyre basically like thugs without repercussions. Idk what to do because for some reason they arent held to laws. If i stay and get abused nothing happens but if i try to get away and they kill me or something still nothing happens.


I would recommend you contact crimestoppers if you have the registration plates of the vehicle or the officers identification tag numbers or their names would be helpful - alternatively you could visit the local police station and talk to a superior officer there ( someone high ranking which likely to supervise the uniformed general duties officers there) and that may assist you in your endeavours


You do indeed seem rather paranoid. Maybe ask to arrange a visit to your local police station and see what cops are actually like as people.


That's a difficult situation