Is it a sin for the Pope to promote man-made Global Warming, when clearly it is not true?

World facing 'grave environmental crisis', pope warns:;_ylt=AwrC1C565VVWrgwARUfQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--


Assuming that global warming isn't happening, then it would be a scientific inaccuracy, not a lie. There have been too many independent observations for there to be a coherent conspiracy of data fudging.

But seriously now, of all the lies promoted by Catholicism... I don't think this one rises to the same level as, say, covering up for pedophile priests.

Edited to add based on your chart: I'm not sure if you know that this chart was created as sarcasm because it only shows the last 18 years and the warming trend goes back at least a century.


Clear to whom? I live in the Yukon Territory, where it is abundantly obvious all around us. The Pope knows the science. Apparently, you don't.


I think it should be a sin for his fellow Cardinals to vote for the dunce. Leftism is all about being anti-Christian. Marx didn't hide that at all. It was a threat to the power of the state. To fall for leftist ideology the way this pope has is stunningly stupid.


It has been known for 2 centuries that CO2 is a greenhouse gas, We are taking fossil fuels from the earth, burning them and dumping the CO2 into the environment. Normal people clearly know that this will result in the earth retaining more of the sun's energy. Young earth creationists like yourself and other religious extremist deny and lie about the science because it does not fit their religious ideology and while I do not belief in his or any other god, I am glad this catholic pope is not one of them, at least when it comes to climate science.



Popes have often been at odds with American big business. You believe what you want to believe, but the man with a Masters in Chemistry probably knows what he's talking about.

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