Men, I'm a woman and were there no such thing as feminism would you respect me as a person and as a woman or would you look down at me?

Remember you never heard of feminism in your entire life. It does not exist.
I believe there is no need for me to define the word respect.


"Men, I'm a woman and were there no such thing as feminism would you respect me as a person and as a woman or would you look down at me?"

Men used to stand up and remove their hats to greet a woman whenever she walked into a room. That was the respect that women as a class had under chivalry. Today, under equality, women get the same welcome that guys do; so it depends on the person.

Me personally? I treat everyone with the same initial respect when meeting someone for the first time. All their actions thereafter determine the level of respect I have for them on an ongoing basis.


If the world had been fair to women, feminism would not have been invented so if feminism had not been needed, maybe we could have had a perfect world where no one was discriminated against for anything. What a wonderful dream! Did this ever exist in society? - no - people have always discriminated against each other for one thing or another and women were high up there in the numbers being discriminated against - so I don't think respect would come automatically in a selfish society and all societies are selfish - if it's never been done at anytime in history.

Why would we expect the world to be perfect? However, that does not mean there are lots of men who are decent and treat all women decently - but it would never be all.


Almost all of us would, indeed, still respect women had we never heard of Feminism™.

But that would presuppose something that your question did not address: that no one in the past had ever heard of Feminism™ either, and that NO IDEAS that were spread via Feminism™ or Marxism™ would have entered into the normal public mindset throughout Germany or Europe.

That is, each of us is a PRODUCT of the times in which we live, with its attached history. If Feminism™ never existed IN THE PAST, would Europe be the way we know it now?

It is as if asking: "If you had never heard of Linux, would your Internet experience be the same as it is now?" But if Linux had never been granted to humanity, we ALL would have very different lives.


As you have brought up this question, I am going to go out on a limb and say that any lack of "respect" you might get is more due to a chip on your shoulder rather than some sort of societal relegation of gender.

(You know, like all those girls we knew in college who wore that "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle" T-Shirts)

We earn respect like anyone else (read men) would. And if we come in with a sense of entitlement then it is going to make things that much harder.


Yet another impossible question to answer in Gender Studies with no way of verifying the data gathered. Might as well ask "if I travelled in time what would happen"?

You personally? Probably the latter. I judge *people* not men or women on a case by case basis.

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