My total comfortable range is A1-C5.i am 18. I'm a baritone that has Been training so I'm not gonna say I'm a tenor.But am I bass baritone?


Hi Dominick. Where did you get the information about the numbered octaves? That range is...remarkable to say the least. I think you need to confirm those numbers with an actual teacher playing an actual piano. The note A1 is one octave above the lowest note of an 88 key piano. It would be difficult even for the operatic basso profundo. The C5 is the C in the middle of the treble clef, an easy note for the soprano. You must be misreading the octaves.

There's too many factors that go into categorizing a range for anyone to reliably address it on the internet, and at your age it really isn't necessary and can even be counterproductive. Just sing parts in your comfortable range.

ADDED: No one is calling you a liar, but it is a bit hard to imagine someone with that range. The reason I asked if you were sure about the numbering is that a lot of people have a 61 note keyboard that they call a 'piano' and incorrectly think that the first A on it is A1. It's not. A lot of male voices can make a high pitched squeal, but that's not music.

Put yourself in our shoes. If you heard someone say they had a range that starts below the lowest male voice and goes into the high woman's range which would you think: That they had misinterpreted something or that they had super-human capabilities?


WOAH, A1, seriously. There are few people who could hit that. Now, C4 is the middle C on the piano. That's the typical scale, that's the scale I'll be using. Now, A1, would bring you to the A two octaves below that. That's Basso-Profundo Territory. C5, that's the Tenor high C. Providing that A1, and C5 are true notes and not hit-or-miss, then your range is remarkable. However, I agree with Tim on this, A Basso-Profundo being able to hit C5? That's weird. Generally, Tenors require years of training in order to hit C5, my lyric-tenor friend told me that the typical tenor comfort zone is A4. Baritones, from what I've heard can only hit the B-flat4. Basses, can only stretch for so high until they hurt themselves. Some have said that it is an F4, that's their limit.

Now, you are only 18, your voice still has developing time to do. Now, classification is not based on range, but by color. The Basso-Profundo is a dark-sounding voice. A good example of a basso-profundo in the opera field is Kurt Moll: Now, I am using Opera terms here because Basso-Profundo and other terms are mainly used in opera. If you decide to sing pop, you will still have a fach within your voice type, it's just that you will never train it to the opera level.

Now, are you a Bass-Baritone? The style of Bass-Baritone is the singer has to sound and resonate like a bass, but be comfortable singing in the Baritone Tessitura. A good example of a Bass-Baritone would be Bryn Terfel. Now, if you are able to sing as low as you can, you are probably not a Bass-Baritone. Bass-Baritones generally lack the low extremes of the Bass voice. If you're a Basso-Profundo who can sing high notes, it's not that you are a bass-baritone, it's that you are an amazing Bass.

Now, remember a lot can happen before your voice develops. Your voice will not stop developing until you're about 25. It may take longer if you're a bass.
Now, here are some examples of each voice type in opera and in pop.
Tenor: Someone like Pharell Williams, or Bruno Mars.
Baritone: Elvis Presley
Bass: Barry White.


A1 is comfortable range for a basso profundo...
C5 is a comfortable range for a High Tenor...Maybe not because the highest comfortable is Bb4 for a High Tenor...
WTF? You have 3 octaves of comfortable range? Impossible...
Fry doesn't count and falsetto neither...

Bass-Baritone can hit an A1 from time to time but not "comfortably"...They can hit second octave notes comfortably but not first...Their comfortable range goes up to E4...You've got to be an experienced and technical singer to have 3 octaves of comfortable range