So Christmas is officially up as it's basically past January 6th.?

Does that mean I have to wait til November (10 months) to watch any or all Christmas movies again, even though I have a lot of them on DVD? Thank You


Hon, if you want to watch a Christmas movie in June - go for it. When I lived in Lansing Mi they had a radio station which played a Christmas carol every day at 11am to remind people that the Christmas spirit should be year round. That was in the mid 70s; I wonder if they still do that. More radio stations should do it.


No, Christmas ends on Sunday, So you can watch your Christmas movies through then. Sunday is when the birth of Christ celebrations end in churches and any late Christmas celebrations in society end. After Sunday no more Christmas until Thanksgiving Eve 2016.


No, Christmas ends when the Christmas Season ends which is this coming Monday (January 11th). Though of course Christmas weekend is long over (ended Dec. 27th)


I'm still watching Christmas Hallmark movies!!


You can watch any movies on any days you want. If you wanted to you could watch Halloween right now. If you want to keep watching Christmas movies, do it. it when there isn't anyone around, as it may become annoying to them.

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