Will there be a huge voter turnout for Trump in the primaries? The huge crowds would seem to indicate that.?


Will there be a huge voter turnout for Trump in the primaries? The huge crowds would seem to indicate that, even though the media doesn't discuss the turnout and its possible impact.


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Americans are completely fed up with both parties and intend to make changes neccessary to force able-bodied Americans to earn their own living and kick those who come into the country ILLEGALLY to respect our laws and go home, then return through legal channels provided.


Bovember 5 2012: Peggy Noonan in WSJ:

"Romney’s crowds are building—28,000 in Morrisville, Pa., last night; 30,000 in West Chester, Ohio, Friday It isn’t only a triumph of advance planning: People came, they got through security and waited for hours in the cold. His rallies look like rallies now, not enactments."

Yeh rallies are the key to electoral turnout. Going to a GOP caucus in Iowa in February and sitting for hours listening to the neighbors ramble on about Christie or Bush or Carson isn't fun. We shall see.

Weasel McWeasel2016-01-15T14:11:27Z

People turned out for Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Sarah Palin, and NEWT.

There is absolutely NO shortage of stupid , clueless people in America.

Doesn't mean he'll win jack. None of them did either.............despite the "crowds" of misspelled, sign waving yahoo's.

Texas Mike2016-01-15T13:47:05Z

I just heard that presently Trump has now earned 25% of the black vote. If that is true it is all over.


Time will tell. They certainly seem to be more enthusiastic (and therefore more likely to vote) for their candidate than the supporters of other Republicans are.

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