Isn't there a fallacy in thinking that our brains are separate from our bodies?

If our bodies include all of our organs, including the brain, then why do we tend to think of our brains as riding around inside our bodies? We "are" our bodies, right?

Campbell Hayden2016-01-16T05:54:15Z

Favorite Answer

I do not think that my brain is separate, or 'riding' around in my body.

I do happen to know that my brain 'floats' around within the confines of my Cranial cavity
and it, like everyone else's, is surrounded and protected by Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).


Isn't there a fallacy in thinking that our brains are separate from our bodies?
If our bodies include all of our organs, including the brain, then why do we tend to think of our brains as riding around inside our bodies? We "are" our bodies, right?

~~~ Schizophrenia is the fragmentation of that which is One!
We are One!
NEVER believe anything that you think or feel ('feelings' are thoughts)!!
Thought is 'duality' (schizophrenia, if you 'believe' it)!
No one thinks that the brain is separate from the body.
There are those (ignorant) who are plagued with the 'MIND /body' distinction apparently 'hard question' (like David Chalmers), but all is Mind, from rocks and brains to dreams and imagination!
Ultimately, it is all 'quantum information waves/Mindstuff'!


Isn't there a fallacy in thinking that our brains are separate from our bodies?
The brain is definitely a part of the body. However the neural pathways in our brains that result in thought and memory and character only exist within the brain. That makes the Brain a unique organ, the control center of the body.


There's nothing profound about brains. They're just a definition, a concept. And either the concept/definition is useful or it isn't. Indeed, are our bodies even really separate from the world, as we are constantly taking in air, food, sensory stimulus, and constantly returning stuff back to it? Not sure if anything really works in pure isolation from its surroundings. It's just helpful to think of things as separate entities sometimes. But there's always situations where the concept or definition is not helpful or useful.

Bob B2016-01-16T05:27:51Z

Ultimately it comes down more to semantics and what exactly one is talking about rather than any rigid definition.

Generally speaking, though, this idea comes about from the fact that our personalities- the essence of who we are- are contained within the brain and not any other part of the body, so it's not entirely wrong to say that all the other organs are essentially there to keep the brain alive.

Another way of saying this is that if you were to take out your brain and put it in a new body, then you would be in the new body, not the old one. However, if you took out any other organ and replaced it, you are still in the same body.

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