Rebecca B
Usually you have to submit a separate application (or at least give notice) for any University or College-owned accommodation. Usually it isn't automatically assumed that you want to live in College accommodation just because you've been accepted into the College as a student.
(Knew a guy once who applied for accommodation on campus for himself and a stable for his horse. The horse got a stable; unfortunately, the guy didn't get a room because he'd left it too late to apply. If you want/need accommodation at uni, contact the uni and find out what you need to do as soon as possible ....unless you too want to end up with little choice but to share a stable with a (your) horse for the next year!!!)
At U of Toronto, you have to apply for your accommodation by March 31st 2015 for the 2015/2016 uni session. The uni guarantees to find its 1st year undergrads accommodation providing you apply by the 3/31 deadline. Apply later than that and you have to go on the waiting list and take your chances if you get accommodation or not. You apply on the U of Toronto's Student Services website,
Probably. If you asked to be in res and you're a first year student you'll almost certainly get a place in res. However, just to hear that you belong to Woodsworth College does not mean that you have a place in res. You have to ask to be put in res. (And as far as I recall, you find out that you're accepted to UofT a while before you hear about the res situation - you could email someone to ask to be sure)