Can trump win the election?
Are there enough racists to elect him? Hispanics won't vote for him, neither would blacks and Muslims also Trump is friends with the Clintons
Are there enough racists to elect him? Hispanics won't vote for him, neither would blacks and Muslims also Trump is friends with the Clintons
Seiko .
Favorite Answer
No. The media is just waiting for him to get past the primaries before they unload all the dirt on him.
Not that I'm rooting for him... but here is what I say as to why people do follow him. this explanation will actually make a surprising amount of sense...
Trump is what I like to call a non-politician. Unlike many other politicians, when asked a question, Trump simply answers it directly. Despite it often being radical or racist, he does not try to avoid questions, nor does he give lying bullshit answers. He speaks what he feels must be done to effectively do what must be done. The reason people make such a joke about him is that he seems insane, which he kind of is. But another reason, is because they are afraid to admit that what he says is a lot of truth. The reason he has so much support is because people enjoy following the secret radical and racist figure they have inside of them. Trump is unafraid to embrace this figure and openly speak about it.
Will he win? That is a good question. Will he at least have lots of support? For sure. Despite his radical views, he does talk some sense in the midst of it all
Yes, if he gets the most votes, he wins. Right now, it is looking like a real possibility.
Yes and he can win. He will do just as well with Hispanics and Blacks as any other Republican candidate could. He will do well with Whites too.