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Both parties, REPS and DEMS, are owned by corporations, so they won't push back one bit.
today it's like more and more companies are going overseas and the reason is because corporate taxes are high in America. We'll have to get Obama out before anything can be done.
Some of the presidential candidates are talking about bringing jobs back from overseas, but the question now is that when/if we do will there be workers here who would want those kinds of jobs. There are jobs out there now that Americans won't take.
There are several reasons:
1. These are often the same companies that pay for the election campaigns of the politicians in office. So the politicians aren't usually going to do jack.
2. All of the red tape really pushes companies from keeping jobs in the US with a lot of it just being absolute overkill. The red tape needs reduced. People would be surprised at the tons of red tape there is.
3. Wall Street keeps wanting bigger and bigger profits and they want to satisfy investors.
4. I like unions, but sometimes they are job killers too. Companies have to be efficient in order to compete with competition. That has to either be done through technology or going with cheaper labor overseas. Yes, getting more efficient might mean the loss of a few jobs through retirement, but at least the whole plant doesn't end up going overseas. And sometimes the efficiencies can lead to new business and new jobs. But the mentality of "slow down to save jobs" is just eventually going to kill the plant. Companies need the unions to work with them somewhat and help them.
5. The US doesn't really tariff imports all that much anymore which could help keep jobs in the US. But putting tariffs on goods coming into the US makes those goods more expensive for Americans, hurting the US economy to an extent. Secondly, putting tariffs on goods affects the ability of the US to sell goods overseas.
6. The US needs to put the hammer down on China and other countries that have companies that steal or infringe on US patents and copyrights. For example, a Chinese company stole the programming from a Massachusetts company for their wind turbines. Later, when Massachusetts built wind turbines in the state they bought them from the company that stole the technology from the company that designed the technology in their own state. And that was done with US federal dollars. The US should work to have international embargoes placed on those companies until they pay back the damages incurred and stop using the stolen technology.
And you are right about Carrier. They are shutting down tons of places. They are shutting down two plants in Indiana and moving the work to Mexico. Their parent company is shutting down another plant in California. And their parent company was going to move Sikorsky (the company that makes the president's helicopters) out of Connecticut and move it to India, but I think Lockheed may have bought them up and stopped it.
The people that laugh about it might keep on laughing until they one day find out there jobs are next.
All Republicans except Trump are owned by the "establishment" and have people to pay them off. So do the Dems,they come up with something that will garner an emotional response so they will have another reason to tax people but in reality they have money for themselves in mind.
All I;m seeing is people think they are entitled to cheap goods from off the backs of their fellow Americans misery.